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Winter Facial Oil

Winter Facial Oil

Regular price $130.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $130.00 USD
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De Mamiel's exquisite, seasonal oils are sent out four times a year—they are beyond fantastic and simply must be tried. Attuned to your skin's shifting needs as the seasons change, they feel and smell incredible, they hydrate intensively, and the transformative results speak for themselves. This one is infused with nourishing and aromatic essential oils, fruit and plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids to smooth dull, tired winter skin. Seasonal face oils are the basis of the de Mamiel line; winter, Annee de Mamiel explains, is the time for deep rest to replenish and renew the spirit, and to cosset and feed the skin: "Winter highlights the water element, which provides deep nourishment for life, birth, and growth," she says. 
.7 fl oz

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This gorgeous, deeply luxurious line was created by acupuncturist/aromatherapist Annee de Mamiel, who began experimenting with making oils when she was going through chemotherapy and radiation. Her knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine informs every scent and every formula, designed to rejuvenate and shift energy as it treats the skin. Rare botanicals and precious oils combine in the beautifully-packaged products, some of which are created seasonally to adapt to the skin’s changing needs.
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