Simple Ways to PRIORITIZE SELF-CARE - Wylde Grey


We too easily get caught up in the everyday hustle and can forget that we need to pause and take time to be good to ourselves. This can be anything from giving longer hugs to waking up 20 minutes earlier, whatever floats your self-care boat and helps to boost your mood for the better. Below, we’re sharing 15 ways you can prioritize your self-care without spending a fortune. Let the good vibes roll, and let us know which resonated with you the most and how you carve out time for self-care in the comments on Instagram.

Simple steps to prioritize self-care:

-Take an Epsom salt bath with lavender essential oil.
-Say no to things you genuinely don’t want to do.
-Wake up 20 minutes earlier and cook yourself breakfast.
-Do something for someone else (a simple “hey, how are you” text can go a long way).
-Take a mental health day.
-Set boundaries with family and coworkers. 
-Do a face mask or an at-home facial massage.
-Connect with friends—all it takes is a call or text with a close friend to kick off a solid conversation full of laughs, which is an instant way to release endorphins.
-Give yourself an at-home manicure and pedicure.
-Take a walk or go on a run and be in nature (even if it’s just around the block).
-If you belong to a gym or pay for ClassPass, don’t let your membership go to waste. Book your favorite class.
-Try 20 minutes of yoga at home.
-Unplug and turn off all notifications while you read a chapter or two from your favorite book or catch up on a show you’ve had on your list to watch.
-Give longer hugs. (Did you know: the average hug lasts three seconds, but to really reap the benefits of the hug, 15 to 20 seconds is what releases that feel-good “love hormone” we all crave, oxytocin.)

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