4 Benefits of Getting a Monthly Facial

4 Benefits of Getting a Monthly Facial

1. Safely get gunk out of your pores.

O b v i o u s l y, it’s best to leave this to the pros, but we’d be hypocrites to say stop popping pimples and squeezing blackheads at home. (Come on, we all do it.) 

However, it can be hit or miss (even if you watch a zillion how-to TikToks), potentially causing skin damage, scarring, and/or an even worse breakout. Especially if you don’t know how to stop once you sit in front of that magnifying mirror. 

Leave the de-gunking to the pros and then keep working on keeping pores clear with your at-home regimen. 

2. Reduce stress.

Again, we love a DIY moment, but applying a face mask in bed while watching Love Island is just never going to be as relaxing as letting someone else do all the heavy lifting. 

3. Skin cell turnover on another level.

Give us the DiamondGlow, the dermaplaning, microneedling, peels. Ofc, there are ways to get similar results at home, but exfoliation just hits differently when done by a pro. Probably because, you know, they’re trained professionals, and we are not. 

4. Improved circulation.

Better circulation = your skin cells get more oxygen and nutrients, resulting in a healthier, glowier complexion. Facial massages are great for stimulating blood flow.  

If booking a monthly facial is out of reach, here are a few of our favorite at-home products for getting similar benefits. 


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